Source code for echo.qt.connect

# The functions in this module are used to connect callback properties to Qt
# widgets.

import math

from qtpy import QtGui, QtWidgets
from qtpy.QtCore import Qt

import numpy as np

from ..core import add_callback, remove_callback
from ..selection import SelectionCallbackProperty, ChoiceSeparator

__all__ = ['connect_checkable_button', 'connect_text', 'connect_combo_data',
           'connect_combo_text', 'connect_float_text', 'connect_value',
           'connect_combo_selection', 'connect_list_selection',

class UserDataWrapper(object):
    def __init__(self, data): = data

[docs]class BaseConnection(object): def __init__(self, instance, prop, widget): self._instance = instance self._prop = prop self._widget = widget
[docs]class connect_checkable_button(BaseConnection): """ Connect a boolean callback property with a Qt button widget. Parameters ---------- instance : object The class instance that the callback property is attached to prop : str The name of the callback property widget : QtWidget The Qt widget to connect. This should implement the ``setChecked`` method and the ``toggled`` signal. """ def __init__(self, instance, prop, widget): super(connect_checkable_button, self).__init__(instance, prop, widget) self.connect()
[docs] def update_widget(self, value): self._widget.setChecked(value)
[docs] def update_prop(self, value): setattr(self._instance, self._prop, value)
[docs] def connect(self): add_callback(self._instance, self._prop, self.update_widget) self._widget.toggled.connect(self.update_prop) self._widget.setChecked(getattr(self._instance, self._prop) or False)
[docs] def disconnect(self): remove_callback(self._instance, self._prop, self.update_widget) self._widget.toggled.disconnect(self.update_prop)
[docs]class connect_text(BaseConnection): """ Connect a string callback property with a Qt widget containing text. Parameters ---------- instance : object The class instance that the callback property is attached to prop : str The name of the callback property widget : QtWidget The Qt widget to connect. This should implement the ``setText`` and ``text`` methods as well optionally the ``editingFinished`` signal. """ def __init__(self, instance, prop, widget): super(connect_text, self).__init__(instance, prop, widget) self.connect()
[docs] def update_prop(self): value = self._widget.text() setattr(self._instance, self._prop, value)
[docs] def update_widget(self, value): if hasattr(self._widget, 'editingFinished'): self._widget.blockSignals(True) self._widget.setText(value) self._widget.blockSignals(False) self._widget.editingFinished.emit() else: self._widget.setText(value)
[docs] def connect(self): add_callback(self._instance, self._prop, self.update_widget) try: self._widget.editingFinished.connect(self.update_prop) except AttributeError: pass self.update_widget(getattr(self._instance, self._prop))
[docs] def disconnect(self): remove_callback(self._instance, self._prop, self.update_widget) try: self._widget.editingFinished.disconnect(self.update_prop) except AttributeError: pass
[docs]class connect_combo_data(BaseConnection): """ Connect a callback property with a QComboBox widget based on the userData. Parameters ---------- instance : object The class instance that the callback property is attached to prop : str The name of the callback property widget : QComboBox The combo box to connect. See Also -------- connect_combo_text: connect a callback property with a QComboBox widget based on the text. """ def __init__(self, instance, prop, widget): super(connect_combo_data, self).__init__(instance, prop, widget) self.connect()
[docs] def update_widget(self, value): try: idx = _find_combo_data(self._widget, value) except ValueError: if value is None: idx = -1 else: raise self._widget.setCurrentIndex(idx)
[docs] def update_prop(self, idx): if idx == -1: setattr(self._instance, self._prop, None) else: data_wrapper = self._widget.itemData(idx) if data_wrapper is None: setattr(self._instance, self._prop, None) else: setattr(self._instance, self._prop,
[docs] def connect(self): add_callback(self._instance, self._prop, self.update_widget) self._widget.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.update_prop) self.update_widget(getattr(self._instance, self._prop))
[docs] def disconnect(self): remove_callback(self._instance, self._prop, self.update_widget) self._widget.currentIndexChanged.disconnect(self.update_prop)
[docs]class connect_combo_text(BaseConnection): """ Connect a callback property with a QComboBox widget based on the text. Parameters ---------- instance : object The class instance that the callback property is attached to prop : str The name of the callback property widget : QComboBox The combo box to connect. See Also -------- connect_combo_data: connect a callback property with a QComboBox widget based on the userData. """ def __init__(self, instance, prop, widget): super(connect_combo_text, self).__init__(instance, prop, widget) self.connect()
[docs] def update_widget(self, value): try: idx = _find_combo_text(self._widget, value) except ValueError: if value is None: idx = -1 else: raise self._widget.setCurrentIndex(idx)
[docs] def update_prop(self, idx): if idx == -1: setattr(self._instance, self._prop, None) else: setattr(self._instance, self._prop, self._widget.itemText(idx))
[docs] def connect(self): add_callback(self._instance, self._prop, self.update_widget) self._widget.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.update_prop) self.update_widget(getattr(self._instance, self._prop))
[docs] def disconnect(self): remove_callback(self._instance, self._prop, self.update_widget) self._widget.currentIndexChanged.disconnect(self.update_prop)
[docs]class connect_float_text(BaseConnection): """ Connect a numerical callback property with a Qt widget containing text. Parameters ---------- instance : object The class instance that the callback property is attached to prop : str The name of the callback property widget : QtWidget The Qt widget to connect. This should implement the ``setText`` and ``text`` methods as well optionally the ``editingFinished`` signal. fmt : str or func This should be either a format string (in the ``{}`` notation), or a function that takes a number and returns a string. """ def __init__(self, instance, prop, widget, fmt="{:g}"): super(connect_float_text, self).__init__(instance, prop, widget) if callable(fmt): format_func = fmt else: def format_func(x): try: return fmt.format(x) except ValueError: return str(x) self._format_func = format_func self.connect()
[docs] def update_prop(self): value = self._widget.text() try: value = float(value) except ValueError: try: value = np.datetime64(value) except Exception: value = 0 setattr(self._instance, self._prop, value)
[docs] def update_widget(self, value): if value is None: value = 0. self._widget.setText(self._format_func(value))
[docs] def connect(self): add_callback(self._instance, self._prop, self.update_widget) try: self._widget.editingFinished.connect(self.update_prop) except AttributeError: pass self.update_widget(getattr(self._instance, self._prop))
[docs] def disconnect(self): remove_callback(self._instance, self._prop, self.update_widget) try: self._widget.editingFinished.disconnect(self.update_prop) except AttributeError: pass
[docs]class connect_value(BaseConnection): """ Connect a numerical callback property with a Qt widget representing a value. Parameters ---------- instance : object The class instance that the callback property is attached to prop : str The name of the callback property widget : QtWidget The Qt widget to connect. This should implement the ``setText`` and ``text`` methods as well optionally the ``editingFinished`` signal. value_range : iterable, optional A pair of two values representing the true range of values (since Qt widgets such as sliders can only have values in certain ranges). log : bool, optional Whether the Qt widget value should be mapped to the log of the callback property. """ def __init__(self, instance, prop, widget, value_range=None, log=False): super(connect_value, self).__init__(instance, prop, widget) if log: if value_range is None: raise ValueError("log option can only be set if value_range is given") else: self._value_range = math.log10(value_range[0]), math.log10(value_range[1]) else: self._value_range = value_range self._log = log self.connect()
[docs] def update_prop(self): value = self._widget.value() if self._value_range is not None: imin, imax = self._widget.minimum(), self._widget.maximum() value = ((value - imin) / (imax - imin) * (self._value_range[1] - self._value_range[0]) + self._value_range[0]) if self._log: value = 10 ** value setattr(self._instance, self._prop, value)
[docs] def update_widget(self, value): if value is None: self._widget.setValue(0) return if self._log: value = math.log10(value) if self._value_range is not None: imin, imax = self._widget.minimum(), self._widget.maximum() value = ((value - self._value_range[0]) / (self._value_range[1] - self._value_range[0]) * (imax - imin) + imin) if isinstance(self._widget, (QtWidgets.QSlider, QtWidgets.QSpinBox)): self._widget.setValue(int(value)) else: self._widget.setValue(value)
[docs] def connect(self): add_callback(self._instance, self._prop, self.update_widget) self._widget.valueChanged.connect(self.update_prop) self.update_widget(getattr(self._instance, self._prop))
[docs] def disconnect(self): remove_callback(self._instance, self._prop, self.update_widget) self._widget.valueChanged.disconnect(self.update_prop)
class connect_button(BaseConnection): """ Connect a button with a callback method Parameters ---------- instance : object The class instance that the callback method is attached to prop : str The name of the callback method widget : QtWidget The Qt widget to connect. This should implement the ``clicked`` method """ def __init__(self, instance, prop, widget): super(connect_button, self).__init__(instance, prop, widget) self.connect() def connect(self): self._widget.clicked.connect(getattr(self._instance, self._prop)) def disconnect(self): self._widget.clicked.disconnect(self.update_prop) def _find_combo_data(widget, value): """ Returns the index in a combo box where itemData == value Raises a ValueError if data is not found """ # Here we check that the result is True, because some classes may overload # == and return other kinds of objects whether true or false. for idx in range(widget.count()): if widget.itemData(idx) is not None: if isinstance(widget.itemData(idx), UserDataWrapper): if widget.itemData(idx).data is value or (widget.itemData(idx).data == value) is True: return idx else: if widget.itemData(idx) is value or (widget.itemData(idx) == value) is True: return idx else: raise ValueError("%s not found in combo box" % (value,)) def _find_combo_text(widget, value): """ Returns the index in a combo box where text == value Raises a ValueError if data is not found """ i = widget.findText(value) if i == -1: raise ValueError("%s not found in combo box" % value) else: return i
[docs]class connect_combo_selection(BaseConnection): def __init__(self, instance, prop, widget): if not isinstance(getattr(type(instance), prop), SelectionCallbackProperty): raise TypeError('connect_combo_selection requires a SelectionCallbackProperty') super(connect_combo_selection, self).__init__(instance, prop, widget) self.connect()
[docs] def update_widget(self, value): # Update choices in the combo box combo_data = [self._widget.itemData(idx) for idx in range(self._widget.count())] combo_text = [self._widget.itemText(idx) for idx in range(self._widget.count())] choices = getattr(type(self._instance), self._prop).get_choices(self._instance) choice_labels = getattr(type(self._instance), self._prop).get_choice_labels(self._instance) if combo_data == choices and combo_text == choice_labels: choices_updated = False else: self._widget.blockSignals(True) self._widget.clear() if len(choices) == 0: return combo_model = self._widget.model() for index, (label, choice) in enumerate(zip(choice_labels, choices)): self._widget.addItem(label, userData=UserDataWrapper(choice)) # We interpret None data as being disabled rows (used for headers) if isinstance(choice, ChoiceSeparator): item = combo_model.item(index) palette = self._widget.palette() item.setFlags(item.flags() & ~(Qt.ItemIsSelectable | Qt.ItemIsEnabled)) item.setData(palette.color(QtGui.QPalette.Disabled, QtGui.QPalette.Text)) choices_updated = True # Update current selection try: idx = _find_combo_data(self._widget, value) except ValueError: if value is None: idx = -1 else: raise if idx == self._widget.currentIndex() and not choices_updated: return self._widget.setCurrentIndex(idx) self._widget.blockSignals(False) self._widget.currentIndexChanged.emit(idx)
[docs] def update_prop(self, idx): if idx == -1: setattr(self._instance, self._prop, None) else: data_wrapper = self._widget.itemData(idx) if data_wrapper is None: setattr(self._instance, self._prop, None) else: setattr(self._instance, self._prop,
[docs] def connect(self): add_callback(self._instance, self._prop, self.update_widget) self._widget.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.update_prop) self.update_widget(getattr(self._instance, self._prop))
[docs] def disconnect(self): remove_callback(self._instance, self._prop, self.update_widget) self._widget.currentIndexChanged.disconnect(self.update_prop)
[docs]class connect_list_selection(BaseConnection): def __init__(self, instance, prop, widget): """ Connect a SelectionCallbackProperty with a QListWidget that supports single-item selection. """ if not isinstance(getattr(type(instance), prop), SelectionCallbackProperty): raise TypeError('connect_list_selection requires a SelectionCallbackProperty') super(connect_list_selection, self).__init__(instance, prop, widget) self.connect()
[docs] def update_widget(self, value, force=False): items = [self._widget.item(idx) for idx in range(self._widget.count())] list_text = [item.text() for item in items] list_data = [ for item in items] list_data = [ if d is not None else d for d in list_data] choices = getattr(type(self._instance), self._prop).get_choices(self._instance) choice_labels = getattr(type(self._instance), self._prop).get_choice_labels(self._instance) for idx in range(len(choices)): if choices[idx] is value: break else: idx = -1 self._widget.blockSignals(True) choices_match = list_data == choices and list_text == choice_labels if force or not choices_match: self._widget.clear() if len(choices) == 0: self._widget.blockSignals(False) return for index, (label, choice) in enumerate(zip(choice_labels, choices)): item = QtWidgets.QListWidgetItem(label) item.setData(Qt.UserRole, UserDataWrapper(choice)) self._widget.addItem(item) # We interpret None data as being disabled rows (used for headers) if isinstance(choice, ChoiceSeparator): item.setFlags(Qt.ItemFlags(int(item.flags()) & int(~(Qt.ItemIsSelectable | Qt.ItemIsEnabled)))) if len(self._widget.selectedItems()) == 0: current_index = -1 else: selected_item = self._widget.selectedItems()[0] for current_index, item in enumerate(items): if item is selected_item: break else: current_index = -1 if idx == current_index and choices_match: self._widget.blockSignals(False) return self._widget.setCurrentItem(self._widget.item(idx)) self._widget.blockSignals(False) self._widget.itemSelectionChanged.emit()
[docs] def update_prop(self): if len(self._widget.selectedItems()) == 0: setattr(self._instance, self._prop, None) else: data_wrapper = self._widget.selectedItems()[0].data(Qt.UserRole) if data_wrapper is None: setattr(self._instance, self._prop, None) else: setattr(self._instance, self._prop,
[docs] def connect(self): add_callback(self._instance, self._prop, self.update_widget) self._widget.itemSelectionChanged.connect(self.update_prop) self.update_widget(getattr(self._instance, self._prop))
[docs] def disconnect(self): remove_callback(self._instance, self._prop, self.update_widget) self._widget.itemSelectionChanged.disconnect(self.update_prop)