Source code for echo.core

import weakref
from weakref import WeakKeyDictionary
from contextlib import contextmanager

from .callback_container import CallbackContainer

__all__ = ['CallbackProperty', 'callback_property',
           'add_callback', 'remove_callback',
           'delay_callback', 'ignore_callback',
           'HasCallbackProperties', 'keep_in_sync']

[docs]class CallbackProperty(object): """ A property that callback functions can be added to. When a callback property changes value, each callback function is called with information about the state change. Otherwise, callback properties behave just like normal instance variables. CallbackProperties must be defined at the class level. Use the helper function :func:`~echo.add_callback` to attach a callback to a specific instance of a class with CallbackProperties Parameters ---------- default The initial value for the property docstring : str The docstring for the property getter, setter : func Custom getter and setter functions (advanced) """ def __init__(self, default=None, docstring=None, getter=None, setter=None): """ :param default: The initial value for the property """ self._default = default self._callbacks = WeakKeyDictionary() self._2arg_callbacks = WeakKeyDictionary() self._disabled = WeakKeyDictionary() self._values = WeakKeyDictionary() if getter is None: getter = self._default_getter if setter is None: setter = self._default_setter self._getter = getter self._setter = setter if docstring is not None: self.__doc__ = docstring def _default_getter(self, instance, owner=None): return self._values.get(instance, self._default) def _default_setter(self, instance, value): self._values.__setitem__(instance, value) def __get__(self, instance, owner=None): if instance is None: return self return self._getter(instance) def __set__(self, instance, value): try: old = self.__get__(instance) except AttributeError: # pragma: no cover old = None self._setter(instance, value) new = self.__get__(instance) if old != new: self.notify(instance, old, new)
[docs] def setter(self, func): """ Method to use as a decorator, to mimic @property.setter """ self._setter = func return self
def _get_full_info(self, instance): # Some callback subclasses may contain additional info in addition # to the main value, and we need to use this full information when # comparing old and new 'values', so this method is used in that # case. The result should be a tuple where the first item is the # actual primary value of the property and the second item is any # additional data to use in the comparison. # Note that we need to make sure we convert any list here to a tuple # to make sure the value is immutable, otherwise comparisons of # old != new will not show any difference (since the list can still) # be modified in-place value = self.__get__(instance) if isinstance(value, list): value = tuple(value) return value, None
[docs] def notify(self, instance, old, new): """ Call all callback functions with the current value Each callback will either be called using callback(new) or callback(old, new) depending on whether ``echo_old`` was set to `True` when calling :func:`~echo.add_callback` Parameters ---------- instance The instance to consider old The old value of the property new The new value of the property """ if not self.enabled(instance): return for cback in self._callbacks.get(instance, []): cback(new) for cback in self._2arg_callbacks.get(instance, []): cback(old, new)
[docs] def disable(self, instance): """ Disable callbacks for a specific instance """ self._disabled[instance] = True
[docs] def enable(self, instance): """ Enable previously-disabled callbacks for a specific instance """ self._disabled[instance] = False
[docs] def enabled(self, instance): return not self._disabled.get(instance, False)
[docs] def add_callback(self, instance, func, echo_old=False, priority=0): """ Add a callback to a specific instance that manages this property Parameters ---------- instance The instance to add the callback to func : func The callback function to add echo_old : bool, optional If `True`, the callback function will be invoked with both the old and new values of the property, as ``func(old, new)``. If `False` (the default), will be invoked as ``func(new)`` priority : int, optional This can optionally be used to force a certain order of execution of callbacks (larger values indicate a higher priority). """ if echo_old: self._2arg_callbacks.setdefault(instance, CallbackContainer()).append(func, priority=priority) else: self._callbacks.setdefault(instance, CallbackContainer()).append(func, priority=priority)
[docs] def remove_callback(self, instance, func): """ Remove a previously-added callback Parameters ---------- instance The instance to detach the callback from func : func The callback function to remove """ for cb in [self._callbacks, self._2arg_callbacks]: if instance not in cb: continue if func in cb[instance]: cb[instance].remove(func) return else: raise ValueError("Callback function not found: %s" % func)
[docs] def clear_callbacks(self, instance): """ Remove all callbacks on this property. """ for cb in [self._callbacks, self._2arg_callbacks]: if instance in cb: cb[instance].clear() if instance in self._disabled: self._disabled.pop(instance)
[docs]class HasCallbackProperties(object): """ A class that adds functionality to subclasses that use callback properties. """ def __init__(self): from .containers import ListCallbackProperty, DictCallbackProperty self._global_callbacks = CallbackContainer() self._ignored_properties = set() self._delayed_properties = {} self._delay_global_calls = {} self._callback_wrappers = {} for prop_name, prop in self.iter_callback_properties(): if isinstance(prop, (ListCallbackProperty, DictCallbackProperty)): prop.add_callback(self, self._notify_global_listordict) def _ignore_global_callbacks(self, properties): # This is to allow ignore_callbacks to work for global callbacks self._ignored_properties.update(properties) def _unignore_global_callbacks(self, properties): # Once this is called, we simply remove properties from _ignored_properties # and don't call the callbacks. This is used by ignore_callback self._ignored_properties -= set(properties) def _delay_global_callbacks(self, properties): # This is to allow delay_callback to still have an effect in delaying # global callbacks. We set _delayed_properties to a dictionary of the # values at the point at which the callbacks are delayed. self._delayed_properties.update(properties) def _process_delayed_global_callbacks(self, properties): # Once this is called, the global callbacks are called once each with # a dictionary of the current values of properties that have been # resumed. kwargs = {} for prop, new_value in properties.items(): old_value = self._delayed_properties.pop(prop) if old_value != new_value: kwargs[prop] = new_value[0] self._notify_global(**kwargs) def _notify_global_listordict(self, *args): from .containers import ListCallbackProperty, DictCallbackProperty properties = {} for prop_name, prop in self.iter_callback_properties(): if isinstance(prop, (ListCallbackProperty, DictCallbackProperty)): callback_listordict = getattr(self, prop_name) if callback_listordict is args[0]: properties[prop_name] = callback_listordict break self._notify_global(**properties) def _notify_global(self, **kwargs): for prop in set(self._delayed_properties) | set(self._ignored_properties): if prop in kwargs: kwargs.pop(prop) if len(kwargs) > 0: for callback in self._global_callbacks: callback(**kwargs) def __setattr__(self, attribute, value): super(HasCallbackProperties, self).__setattr__(attribute, value) if self.is_callback_property(attribute): self._notify_global(**{attribute: value})
[docs] def add_callback(self, name, callback, echo_old=False, priority=0): """ Add a callback that gets triggered when a callback property of the class changes. Parameters ---------- name : str The instance to add the callback to. callback : func The callback function to add echo_old : bool, optional If `True`, the callback function will be invoked with both the old and new values of the property, as ``callback(old, new)``. If `False` (the default), will be invoked as ``callback(new)`` priority : int, optional This can optionally be used to force a certain order of execution of callbacks (larger values indicate a higher priority). """ if self.is_callback_property(name): prop = getattr(type(self), name) prop.add_callback(self, callback, echo_old=echo_old, priority=priority) else: raise TypeError("attribute '{0}' is not a callback property".format(name))
[docs] def remove_callback(self, name, callback): """ Remove a previously-added callback Parameters ---------- name : str The instance to remove the callback from. func : func The callback function to remove """ if self.is_callback_property(name): prop = getattr(type(self), name) try: prop.remove_callback(self, callback) except ValueError: # pragma: nocover pass # Be forgiving if callback was already removed before else: raise TypeError("attribute '{0}' is not a callback property".format(name))
[docs] def add_global_callback(self, callback): """ Add a global callback function, which is a callback that gets triggered when any callback properties on the class change. Parameters ---------- callback : func The callback function to add """ self._global_callbacks.append(callback)
[docs] def remove_global_callback(self, callback): """ Remove a global callback function. Parameters ---------- callback : func The callback function to remove """ self._global_callbacks.remove(callback)
[docs] def is_callback_property(self, name): """ Whether a property (identified by name) is a callback property. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the property to check """ return isinstance(getattr(type(self), name, None), CallbackProperty)
[docs] def iter_callback_properties(self): """ Iterator to loop over all callback properties. """ for name in dir(self): if self.is_callback_property(name): yield name, getattr(type(self), name)
[docs] def callback_properties(self): return [name for name in dir(self) if self.is_callback_property(name)]
[docs] def clear_callbacks(self): """ Remove all global and property-specific callbacks. """ self._global_callbacks.clear() for name, prop in self.iter_callback_properties(): prop.clear_callbacks(self)
[docs]def add_callback(instance, prop, callback, echo_old=False, priority=0): """ Attach a callback function to a property in an instance Parameters ---------- instance The instance to add the callback to prop : str Name of callback property in `instance` callback : func The callback function to add echo_old : bool, optional If `True`, the callback function will be invoked with both the old and new values of the property, as ``func(old, new)``. If `False` (the default), will be invoked as ``func(new)`` priority : int, optional This can optionally be used to force a certain order of execution of callbacks (larger values indicate a higher priority). Examples -------- :: class Foo: bar = CallbackProperty(0) def callback(value): pass f = Foo() add_callback(f, 'bar', callback) """ p = getattr(type(instance), prop) if not isinstance(p, CallbackProperty): raise TypeError("%s is not a CallbackProperty" % prop) p.add_callback(instance, callback, echo_old=echo_old, priority=priority)
[docs]def remove_callback(instance, prop, callback): """ Remove a callback function from a property in an instance Parameters ---------- instance The instance to detach the callback from prop : str Name of callback property in `instance` callback : func The callback function to remove """ p = getattr(type(instance), prop) if not isinstance(p, CallbackProperty): raise TypeError("%s is not a CallbackProperty" % prop) p.remove_callback(instance, callback)
[docs]def callback_property(getter): """ A decorator to build a CallbackProperty. This is used by wrapping a getter method, similar to the use of @property:: class Foo(object): @callback_property def x(self): return self._x @x.setter def x(self, value): self._x = value In simple cases with no getter or setter logic, it's easier to create a :class:`~echo.CallbackProperty` directly:: class Foo(object); x = CallbackProperty(initial_value) """ cb = CallbackProperty(getter=getter) cb.__doc__ = getter.__doc__ return cb
[docs]class delay_callback(object): """ Delay any callback functions from one or more callback properties This is a context manager. Within the context block, no callbacks will be issued. Each callback will be called once on exit Parameters ---------- instance An instance object with callback properties *props : str One or more properties within instance to delay Examples -------- :: with delay_callback(foo, 'bar', 'baz'): = 20 f.baz = 30 = 10 print('done') # callbacks triggered at this point, if needed """ # Class-level registry of properties and how many times the callbacks have # been delayed. The idea is that when nesting calls to delay_callback, the # delay count is increased, and every time __exit__ is called, the count is # decreased, and once the count reaches zero, the callback is triggered. delay_count = {} old_values = {} def __init__(self, instance, *props): self.instance = instance self.props = props def __enter__(self): delay_props = {} for prop in self.props: p = getattr(type(self.instance), prop) if not isinstance(p, CallbackProperty): raise TypeError("%s is not a CallbackProperty" % prop) if (self.instance, prop) not in self.delay_count: self.delay_count[self.instance, prop] = 1 self.old_values[self.instance, prop] = p._get_full_info(self.instance) delay_props[prop] = p._get_full_info(self.instance) else: self.delay_count[self.instance, prop] += 1 p.disable(self.instance) if isinstance(self.instance, HasCallbackProperties): self.instance._delay_global_callbacks(delay_props) def __exit__(self, *args): resume_props = {} notifications = [] for prop in self.props: p = getattr(type(self.instance), prop) if not isinstance(p, CallbackProperty): # pragma: no cover raise TypeError("%s is not a CallbackProperty" % prop) if self.delay_count[self.instance, prop] > 1: self.delay_count[self.instance, prop] -= 1 else: self.delay_count.pop((self.instance, prop)) old = self.old_values.pop((self.instance, prop)) p.enable(self.instance) new = p._get_full_info(self.instance) if old != new: notifications.append((p, (self.instance, old[0], new[0]))) resume_props[prop] = new if isinstance(self.instance, HasCallbackProperties): self.instance._process_delayed_global_callbacks(resume_props) for p, args in notifications: p.notify(*args)
[docs]@contextmanager def ignore_callback(instance, *props): """ Temporarily ignore any callbacks from one or more callback properties This is a context manager. Within the context block, no callbacks will be issued. In contrast with `delay_callback`, no callbacks will be called on exiting the context manager Parameters ---------- instance An instance object with callback properties *props : str One or more properties within instance to ignore Examples -------- :: with ignore_callback(foo, 'bar', 'baz'): = 20 f.baz = 30 = 10 print('done') # no callbacks called """ for prop in props: p = getattr(type(instance), prop) if not isinstance(p, CallbackProperty): raise TypeError("%s is not a CallbackProperty" % prop) p.disable(instance) if isinstance(instance, HasCallbackProperties): instance._ignore_global_callbacks(props) yield for prop in props: p = getattr(type(instance), prop) assert isinstance(p, CallbackProperty) p.enable(instance) if isinstance(instance, HasCallbackProperties): instance._unignore_global_callbacks(props)
[docs]class keep_in_sync(object): def __init__(self, instance1, prop1, instance2, prop2): self.instance1 = weakref.ref(instance1, self.disable_syncing) self.prop1 = prop1 self.instance2 = weakref.ref(instance2, self.disable_syncing) self.prop2 = prop2 self._syncing = False self.enabled = False self.enable_syncing()
[docs] def prop1_from_prop2(self, value): if not self._syncing: self._syncing = True setattr(self.instance1(), self.prop1, getattr(self.instance2(), self.prop2)) self._syncing = False
[docs] def prop2_from_prop1(self, value): if not self._syncing: self._syncing = True setattr(self.instance2(), self.prop2, getattr(self.instance1(), self.prop1)) self._syncing = False
[docs] def enable_syncing(self, *args): if self.enabled: return add_callback(self.instance1(), self.prop1, self.prop2_from_prop1) add_callback(self.instance2(), self.prop2, self.prop1_from_prop2) self.enabled = True
[docs] def disable_syncing(self, *args): if not self.enabled: return if self.instance1() is not None: remove_callback(self.instance1(), self.prop1, self.prop2_from_prop1) if self.instance2() is not None: remove_callback(self.instance2(), self.prop2, self.prop1_from_prop2) self.enabled = False